
Posts Tagged ‘God knows best’

The recent tragedy that our nation faced last Friday 12/14/12 is so unfathomable from a Christian Father’s perspective.  As I reflected on the issue and whirlwind of coverage, a devotional I had posted a couple of years back was brought to mind:  God Knows What’s Best.

Those three words are probably equally as unfathomable to the non-believer.  But to us as Christians, fully surrendered to Christ, we know God’s Love and his promises that in all things good will be done.  I know that in the moment that is of little comfort at best but I am grateful and comforted knowing these gentle souls are in the arms of our Lord and his unending love.

My heart is heavy for their families and loved ones that remain with us but pray that God will be with them through the necessary grieving process.  My heart is also heavy for the 20-year old that did this evil act.  It is clear that he did not know God and since he took his own life is now forever tormented in His absence.

This is not the end but the beginning, we were not meant for this world but the next.

Trust in God, Jesus urges, and trust in me.

Fully surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

Maranatha Lord, come quickly!



Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s book Grace for the Moment

God Knows What’s Best

Trust the Lord with all your heart,

and don’t depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

The problem with this world is that it doesn’t fit.  Oh, it will do for now, but it isn’t tailor-made.  We were made to live with God, but on earth we live by faith.  We were made to live forever, but on this earth we live but for a moment. . . .

We must trust God.  We must trust not only that he does what is best but that he knows what is ahead.  Ponder the words of Isaiah 57:1-2:  “The good men perish; the godly die before their time and no one seems to care or wonder why.  No one seems to realize that God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  For the godly who die shall rest in peace” (TLB).

My, what a thought.  God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  Could death be God’s grace?  Could the funeral wreath be God’s safety ring?  As horrible as the grave may be, could it be God’s protection from the future?

Trust in God, Jesus urges, and trust in me.

A Gentle Thunder


I had not remembered reading that verse in Isaiah before.  It is very comforting, I wish I would have discovered it earlier.  It also as all of God’s wisdom, matches Jesus’ promise to keep us from the wrath, his faithful brothers and sisters of His church.

May Peace be with you!



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

In Romans 10 Paul lays out how salvation is open to all, Jew and Gentile.  He writes:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” – Romans 10:4-5

What he is saying is now it is not about works or how closely to a “T” you follow the law.  But that it is through God’s gift of grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is really that simple, and yet a hard step for some of us.

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

Christ is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), through faith in Him you will be saved.  It is the only “works” that God requires for eternal salvation.

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