
Archive for the ‘Devotional’ Category

Amen brother!  It warms my heart to see a brother in Christ standing so firm.  You know he is standing on the Rock!

Maranatha, Lord come quickly!



Posted on Dec 22, 2013 at 10:15 PM
By Caleb Howe

“Jesus Christ was the most perfect being to ever walk this planet and he was persecuted and nailed to the cross, so please don’t be surprised when we get a little static.”
– Phil Robertson, speaking at his church Sunday.

The Daily Mail this evening posted an exclusive story regarding remarks made by Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson to his Bible study group this morning at his home church in West Monroe, Louisiana.

At the conclusion of the Bible study, Robertson reportedly stated “I will not give or back off from my path because you conquered death, Father, so we are not worried about all the repercussions.”

During his talk to the group, he is quoted as saying (h/t The Lid):

‘I have been immoral, drunk, high. I ran with the wicked people for 28 years and I have run with the Jesus people since and the contrast is astounding.

‘I tell people, “You are a sinner, we all are. Do you want to hear my story before I give you the bottom line on your story?”

‘We murder each other and we steal from one another, sex and immorality goes ballistic. All the diseases that just so happen to follow sexual mischief… boy there are some microbes running around now.

‘Sexual sins are numerous and many, I have a few myself. So what is your safest course of action? If you’re a man, find yourself a woman, marry them and keep your sex right there.

‘You can have fun, but one thing is for sure, as long as you are both healthy in the first place, you are not going to catch some debilitating illness, there is safety there.

‘Commonsense says we are not going to procreate the human race unless we have a man and a woman. From the beginning Jesus said, “It is a man and a woman.” Adam was made and Eve was made for this reason. They left their fathers and mothers and be united to become one flesh, that’s what marriage is all about.

‘But we looked at it and said it was an outdated stereotype. When you look back at the human race, the sins have always been the same: We get high, we get drunk, we get laid, we steal and kill.

‘Has this changed at all from the time God burnt up whole cities because their every thought was evil?’

Robertson also added: “Jesus Christ was the most perfect being to ever walk this planet and he was persecuted and nailed to the cross, so please don’t be surprised when we get a little static.”

You can read more of Robertson’s remarks here.



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

In Romans 10 Paul lays out how salvation is open to all, Jew and Gentile.  He writes:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” – Romans 10:4-5

What he is saying is now it is not about works or how closely to a “T” you follow the law.  But that it is through God’s gift of grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is really that simple, and yet a hard step for some of us.

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

Christ is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), through faith in Him you will be saved.  It is the only “works” that God requires for eternal salvation.

It is The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  To learn more check out the following link.

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This article is so wonderful.

It is like taking a meandering walk with the Lord on the long winding road through God’s word to the narrow gate.

Simply wonderful!

Maranatha, Lord come quickly!



On the Road to Heaven: Part 1

By Cynthia Nuara

The long and winding road that leads to your door will never disappear.

The road to heaven will never disappear if we walk in the LIGHT

[Jesus said,] “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life” (John 8:12).

“He will teach us His ways, so that we can walk in His paths” (Isaiah 2:3).

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

“Send forth Your light and Your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to Your holy mountain, to the place where You dwell” (Psalm 43:3).

“I was blind but now I see!” (John 9:25b)

For ONLY if we have the Light will we be able to RECOGNIZE the darkness.

“There are those who rebel against the light; they do not know its ways nor abide in its paths” (Job 24:13).

“…For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians 11:14b).


When we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior, His Holy Spirit enters into our hearts and gives us the instruction that we need to fulfill His plan and His purpose for our lives and for the life of the kingdom.

“And you also were included in Christ when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation. Having believed, you were marked in Him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of His glory” (Ephesians 1:12-14).

I’ve seen that road before.

The Word of the Lord is the way to prepare for the trip, to travel the road, and to reach our destination.


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I read a statistic recently that really jumped out at me.  Americans on average spend about 140 hours each month in front of the TV.  Now I knew it was high but had no idea it was that high.  (There are 168 hours in a week!)

My heart really sunk when a couple of days later I read another article about how much time do we spend in God’s word.  Can it even be counted in hours for the week? or month?  We are jammed packed with one minute devotionals.  But do we spend anytime reading Gods actual word, and pondering it, studying it.

It hit me last week how far we have strayed from God’s actual word.  On Sunday our worship leader read the scripture from “The Message” translation (interpretation) of the Bible.  My wife turned to me and stated: “why do we need to recite an interpretation of God’s word when we have God’s actual word!”  I must say it was a brilliant observation, one I think we quite often overlook.  We spend so much time and money on interpretations, and none in God’s literal word.

So getting back on track, you have totaled up your hours for the week, how many of those are from God’s literal word?  (I (more…)

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Who is in control?

I was reading a blog entry discussing how much control God has over this world, the selection of our leaders and bad things that have happened throughout time.  There was a lot of back and forth between two main sides:  God in complete control and Human free will.

I lean toward the side of God is in complete control and that all things are used for fulfillment of His will for this world.

The argument for those that feel Human free will elects our leaders and drives events was mainly: How could a loving God allow the millions of deaths and suffering that certain leaders have committed in this world?

The rebuttal was quite good.  God has always had death as a result of worldly events.  And every one of those events is part of his plan:  Noah and the flood, Pharaoh and Moses, etc.

But one comment really struck me to the core, and solidified my position that we do not know the will of God, nor are we on the same level of his thinking.  A poster by the alias CaisonJ posted:

Praise God that even the greatest evil ever committed, the crucifixion of His Son, was according to His will and for His purpose (Acts 2:22-24).  How unsearchable are His ways… they are not our ways, which I think is why we often don’t accept God’s sovereignty over every situation. – by CaisonJ

What a powerful statement?  Truthful, concise, God’s word…

But it was that last line that really struck me:

How unsearchable are His ways… they are not our ways, which I think is why we often don’t accept God’s sovereignty over every situation.

How true is that in my life.  How about yours?

We too often strive so hard to make God “real” and approachable that we humanize him and bring him down to our level.

We do not know His ways, they are not our ways (which we know well).  Sure we can get a glimmer by reading His word but it is really just that, a glimmer.

We need to Fear God!  Not in the “fear” that we throw around these days but Fear = Reverence.  Respectful.  Holding up in the place of honor that we are not worthy to go… Holy!

Something to think about…  Do you “Fear” God?  Whose way are you following?  Who is in control of your life?

Whose Will do you strive to achieve?

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I have no words…



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

In Romans 10 Paul lays out how salvation is open to all, Jew and Gentile.  He writes:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” – Romans 10:4-5

What he is saying is now it is not about works or how closely to a “T” you follow the law.  But that it is through God’s gift of grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is really that simple, and yet a hard step for some of us.

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

Christ is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), through faith in Him you will be saved.  It is the only “works” that God requires for eternal salvation.

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The recent tragedy that our nation faced last Friday 12/14/12 is so unfathomable from a Christian Father’s perspective.  As I reflected on the issue and whirlwind of coverage, a devotional I had posted a couple of years back was brought to mind:  God Knows What’s Best.

Those three words are probably equally as unfathomable to the non-believer.  But to us as Christians, fully surrendered to Christ, we know God’s Love and his promises that in all things good will be done.  I know that in the moment that is of little comfort at best but I am grateful and comforted knowing these gentle souls are in the arms of our Lord and his unending love.

My heart is heavy for their families and loved ones that remain with us but pray that God will be with them through the necessary grieving process.  My heart is also heavy for the 20-year old that did this evil act.  It is clear that he did not know God and since he took his own life is now forever tormented in His absence.

This is not the end but the beginning, we were not meant for this world but the next.

Trust in God, Jesus urges, and trust in me.

Fully surrender to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior!

Maranatha Lord, come quickly!



Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s book Grace for the Moment

God Knows What’s Best

Trust the Lord with all your heart,

and don’t depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

The problem with this world is that it doesn’t fit.  Oh, it will do for now, but it isn’t tailor-made.  We were made to live with God, but on earth we live by faith.  We were made to live forever, but on this earth we live but for a moment. . . .

We must trust God.  We must trust not only that he does what is best but that he knows what is ahead.  Ponder the words of Isaiah 57:1-2:  “The good men perish; the godly die before their time and no one seems to care or wonder why.  No one seems to realize that God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  For the godly who die shall rest in peace” (TLB).

My, what a thought.  God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  Could death be God’s grace?  Could the funeral wreath be God’s safety ring?  As horrible as the grave may be, could it be God’s protection from the future?

Trust in God, Jesus urges, and trust in me.

A Gentle Thunder


I had not remembered reading that verse in Isaiah before.  It is very comforting, I wish I would have discovered it earlier.  It also as all of God’s wisdom, matches Jesus’ promise to keep us from the wrath, his faithful brothers and sisters of His church.

May Peace be with you!



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

In Romans 10 Paul lays out how salvation is open to all, Jew and Gentile.  He writes:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” – Romans 10:4-5

What he is saying is now it is not about works or how closely to a “T” you follow the law.  But that it is through God’s gift of grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is really that simple, and yet a hard step for some of us.

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

Christ is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), through faith in Him you will be saved.  It is the only “works” that God requires for eternal salvation.

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Identity Check

Wonderful article, something we all need to work on, I know I do.

What makes up your “Identity”?

What is your Idol?

What is standing in the place of Jesus?!


Identity Check

Hello blog world.

It’s been well over a year since I’ve last wrote a blog. I’ve learned that I am horrible at taking the time to put my thoughts down in writing. It is definitely beneficial for me to do this, but doesn’t always feel productive.

Pastor- “If you lose your church, will you lose your Jesus?”

This is a thought that has been on my mind for the last couple days. It’s a question that really shakes me at the core. But it’s a very valuable question to ask.

You see, many times we “pastor types” can find our identity in our ministry, our activity, our service, our good Christian quotes, our book reading- over finding our place and identity in Jesus. We can think that life is good because ministry is good, but little do we know our hearts are as far as they have ever been from Jesus.

Psalm 46:1 “God is our refuge and our strength, our very help in time of trouble.”

This verse is one of those verses you read when you’ve just lost a loved one, when you are persecuted, and when you fell all alone. But I’ve never really thought about it as a verse for good times.

The Facts

But the truth is we are all in trouble at all times and in desperate need of refuge. We are sinners in desperate need of a Savior to save us from our sin.

We don’t realize that our strength is not our own, so we work harder to accomplish our goals to success. When the truth is nothing is ours in the first place. Our church is not ours, our wife is not ours, our children are not ours, our lives are not ours… We are but stewards of the things God has given us to share in his beautiful grace.

When we find our identity in our “whatever” we place that “whatever” in a higher place than Jesus. We create an idol to take His place.

This causes worry, fits of anger, sleeplessness, and mistrust of others. We worry because we feel as if we are going to lose what is “ours.” We have fits of anger because we feel out of control of “our” life. We have countless sleepless nights because we are trying to figure out how to get “our” “whatever” working like we want it. We mistrust others because we think they are out to get us and take what is “ours.”

Thank You Jesus

The beauty of the Gospel is that we have because Jesus has, we love because Jesus loves, we have a place because Jesus makes it.

So, whoever you are, what is standing in the place of Jesus? What is your idol? Is it the work of your hands? Is it what you have?

Give it up and run to the only refuge that will help you in this time of trouble; because, one day Jesus will return to take us to a place that we will never have to experience the repercussion of our sin again.


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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Amazing sermon on a topic we all need.  It is why we need God so badly but are often blind to it.

I know it was a good reminder to me and one we could all use reminding on every day until He comes for us!



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

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From Jesus Calling by Sarah Young:


YOU CANNOT SERVE TWO MASTERS. If I am truly your Master, you will desire to please Me above all others.  If pleasing people is your goal, you will be enslaved to them.  People can be harsh taskmasters when you give them this power over you.

If I am the Master of your life, I will also be your First Love.  Your serving Me is rooted and grounded in My vast, unconditional Love for you.  The lower you bow down before Me, the higher I lift you up into intimate relationship with Me.  The Joy of living in My Presence outshines all other pleasures.  I want you to reflect My joyous Light by living in increasing intimacy with Me.

Matthew 6:24;  ~  Revelation 2:4;  ~  Ephesians 3:16-17;  ~  Psalm 16:11



It is amazing how quickly we get sucked back into servitude to this world.  I always thought of this expression as being mainly money focused, but our fellow-man and stuff can be just as bad if not worse.  How much power do we give over to them or it each day?  As I reflect, I constantly find myself doing exactly the opposite of what God instructs us to do.  Doesn’t his promise sound wonderful?  I think a good portion of this world has completely lost this concept, a smaller portion is struggling daily to return to this eternal truth, and then there are those that are at peace and have progressed much further down the path than we are to having an intimate relationship with Him.

It’s an investment we need to make!  Time is short, can you feel it?

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Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

Lay Down Your Cares

Praise the LORD,

God our Savior, who

helps us every day.

Psalm 68:19

Perhaps the heaviest burden we try to carry is the burden of mistakes and failures.  What do you do with your failures?

Even if you’ve fallen, even if you’ve failed, even if everyone else has rejected you, Christ will not turn away from you.  He came first and foremost to those who have no hope.  He goes to those no one else would go to and says, “I’ll give you eternity.”

Only you can surrender your concerns to the Father.  No one else can take those away and give them to God.  Only you can cast all your anxieties on the one who cares for you. What better way to start the day than by laying your cares at this feet?

Walking with the Savior


We must remember this during these tough and challenging times, when we are not sure what to trust or what we should be doing.

God is there for us, to give us rest, unload our burdens and even carry us when needed.

It is so easy to forget as we trudge through this world and all of the distractions and stuff it heaps on us daily.

We must remember to take some time each day to lay our cares and concerns at God’s feet.  He is waiting for us…

May God Bless You, until Christ Comes!

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Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

Guard the Gateway

The devil, your enemy, goes around like

a roaring lion looking for someone to eat.

Refuse to give in to him, by standing

strong in your faith.

1 Peter 5:8-9

You’ve got to admit, some of our hearts are trashed out.  Let any riffraff knock on the door, and we throw it open.  Anger shows up, and we let him in.  Revenge needs a place to stay, so we have him pull up a chair.  Pity wants to have a party, so we show him the kitchen.  Lust rings the bell, and we change the sheets on the bed.  Don’t we know how to sy no?

Many don’t.  For most of us, thought management is, well, unthought of.  We think much about time management, weight management, personnel management, even scalp management.  But what about thought management?  Shouldn’t we be as concerned about managing our thoughts as we are managing anything else?  Jesus was.  Like a trained soldier at the gate of a city, he stood watch over his mind.  He stubbornly guarded the gateway of his heart. . . .

If he did, shouldn’t we . . . ?

Just Like You


This is so true, how easily we over look thought management, and how important it is.  Jesus also said, that just looking at someone and having lustful thoughts was the same as committing adultery.  We have to protect our thoughts, the devil knows our weakness.

May God Bless You, until Christ Comes!

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Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

Focus on God’s Majesty

You have not seen Christ, but still

you love him.  You cannot see him now,

but you believe in him.

1 Peter 1:8

Some years ago a sociologist accompanied a group of mountain climbers on an expedition.  Among other things, he observed a distinct correlation between cloud cover and contentment.  When there was no cloud  cover, and the peak was in view, the climbers were energetic and cooperative.  When the gray clouds eclipsed the view of the mountaintop, though, the climbers were sullen and selfish.

The same thing happens to us.  As long as our eyes are on God’s majesty there is a bounce in our step.  But let our eyes focus on the dirt beneath us and we will grumble about every rock and crevice we have to cross.  For this reason Paul urged, “Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you.  Look up, and be alert to the things going on around Christ–that’s where the action is.  See things from his perspective” (Col. 3:1-2 MSG).

The Great House of God


With everything going on these days, this is a good reminder.

We must keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ.

He is our salvation and we will go nowhere that he has not already gone, nor will we go there alone.

He is our blessed hope!

May God Bless You, until Christ Returns!

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Devotional: Governed by Love

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

Governed by Love

In Christ we are set free

by the blood of his death, and so we have forgiveness of sins.

Ephesians 1:7

Jesus spoke of freedom, but he spoke of a different kind of freedom: the type of freedom that comes not through power but through submission.  Not through control but through surrender.  Not through possessions but through open hands.

God wants to emancipate his people; he wants to set them free.  He wants his people to be not slaves but sons.  He wants them governed not by law but by love.

We have been liberated from our own guilt and our own legalism.  We have the freedom to pray and the freedom to love the God of our heart.  And we have been forgiven by the only one who could condemn us.  We are truly free!

Walking with the Savior


In the face of this world we live in, trying to manipulate, nudge us one direction or another, and control us.  It is good to seek God’s word on the matter.

His stance is in stark contrast to the world we live.  His stance is the opposite, as we find so many times.  This is why as we continue to seek Him, and do his will, we become “not of this world” as Paul stated many times.  We start to feel uncomfortable and not at home.

If you begin feeling this way or are today, take heart, this is a good thing.  Christ has promised to come for us and keep us from the worst.  All we must do is occupy till he returns.

Occupy, there it is again, if we were of this world, then would we be occupying it?  Or is that more a term used for a foreigner in a land?

May God Bless You, until Christ’s return!

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Devotional: Sweeter After a Rest

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

Sweeter After a Rest

In six days the LORD made everything….

On the seventh day he rested.

Exodus 20:11

Time has skyrocketed in value.  The value of any commodity depends on its scarcity.  And time that once was abundant now is going to the highest bidder….

When I was ten years old, my mother enrolled me in piano lessons…. Spending thirty minutes every afternoon tethered to a piano bench was a torture….

Some of the music, though, I learned to enjoy.  I hammered the staccatos.  I belabored the crescendos…. But there was one instruction in the music I could never obey to my teacher’s satisfaction.  The rest.  The zigzagged command to do nothing.  What sense does that make?  Why sit at the piano and pause when you can pound?

“Because,” my teach patiently explained, “music is always sweeter after a rest.”

It didn’t make sense to me at age ten.  But now, a few decades later, the words ring with wisdom–divine wisdom.

The Applause of Heaven


Divine wisdom indeed.

We need to remember that whole “on the seventh day God rested” thing.  He is a pretty good role model.

If there is one thing we have completely wiped out in America, it is the idea of slowing down and resting.

I vaguely remember when I was a kid, most stores were not open on Sunday.  We use to go to Church and then hang out at the house with the family and friends all day, playing board games or in the yard.

No soccer games, or shopping.

No heading into work or checking emails.

Heck, there was no mail delivery and no internet.

We need to find a piece of that again.

We need to slow down and rest, how else will we hear what the Lord is trying to tell us.

How will we hear his whisper….

May God Bless You!

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Devotional: A Life Free of Clutter

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

A Life Free of Clutter

Your heart will be where your treasure is.

Matthew 6:21

The most powerful life is the most simple life.  The most powerful life is the life that knows where it’s going, that knows where the source of strength is, and the life that stays free of clutter and happenstance and hurriedness.

Being busy is not a sin.  Jesus was busy.  Paul was busy.  Peter was busy.  Nothing of significance is achieved without effort and hard work and weariness.  Being busy, in and of itself, is not a sin.  But being busy in an endless pursuit of things that leave us empty and hollow and broken inside–that cannot be pleasing to God.

One source of man’s weariness is the pursuit of things that can never satisfy; but which one of us has not been caught up in that pursuit at some time in our life?  Our passions, possessions, and pride–these are all dead things.  When we try to get life out of dead things, the result is only weariness and dissatisfaction.

Walking with the Savior


Truer words have not been spoken.  It is a pit we continuously have to keep dragging ourselves out of.

You would think we would learn but shiny objects do distract, and esteemed positions to present themselves.  How I wish, I could resist and avoid the pit.

I think this is the Achilles heel of America.  We have gotten so wrapped up in stuff that we have lost sight of God.  Our lives these days are so full of stuff and distractions.

Stop for a minute and list off all the stuff you do in a day.

First off, I bet it is a really long list and I bet eighty percent, maybe even ninety percent of it has nothing to do with God.

Think about that.

What are we placing first in our lives.  We all do it, but why.

One of the things I started doing recently was giving God my first hour each day.  (I think it got me to the 90% mark, so I have more room to grow.)

But you know what I have noticed is that the days I follow through with it,  life is so much more in-focus and generally better.  I feel more peace.  Why do we fight it so.

So my challenge to you, is to give the Lord the first hour.

(Men, there is a great program that I started (It’s free).  Go to rizeup.us to find out more if you are interested.)

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: The Wages of Deceit

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

The Wages of Deceit

No one who is dishonest

will live in my house; no liars

will stay around me.

Psalm 101:7

More than once I’ve heard people refer to the story [of Ananias and Sapphira] with a nervous chuckle and say, “I’m glad God doesn’t still strike people dead for lying.”  I’m not so sure he doesn’t.  It seems to me that the wages of deceit is still death.  Not death of the body, perhaps, but the death of:

a marriage–Falsehoods are termites in the trunk of the family tree.

a conscience–The tragedy of the second lie is that it is always easier to tell than the first.

a career–Just ask the student who got booted out for cheating or the employee who got fired for embezzlement if the lie wasn’t fatal….

We could also list the deaths of intimacy, trust, peace, credibility, and self-respect.  But perhaps the most tragic death that occurs from deceit is our [Christian] witness.  The court won’t listen to the testimony of a perjured witness.  Neither will the world.

Just Like Jesus


In a lot of cases the lie is not the original sin, but the covering up of a sinful act.

To extend Max’s list, you could look at a list of headlines today and probably pick out quite a few that involved a lie.

I think this is another reason why God holds it in such disdain, is it is so easily done.  It slips right off the lips, but can cause so much pain and damage.

God as a good Father, knows the pain it will bring so he tries to warn us over and over, from the first days of man.

May God Bless you!

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Devotional: God Loves the Truth

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

God Loves the Truth

The Lord hates those who

tell lies but is pleased with those

who keep their promises.

Proverbs 12:22

Our Master has a strict honor code.  From Genesis to Revelation, the theme is the same:  God loves the truth and hates deceit.  In 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Paul list the type of people who will not inherit the kingdom of God.  The covey he portrays is a ragged assortment of those who sin sexually, worship idols, take part in adultery, sell their bodies, get drunk, rob people, and–there it is–lie about others.

Such rigor may surprise you.  You mean my fibbing and flattering stir the same heavenly anger as adultery and aggravated assault? Apparently so….

Why the hard-line?  Why the tough stance?

For one reason: dishonesty is absolutely contrary to the character of God.

Just Like Jesus


I am always amazed in life when certain topics or points show up in different venues at the same time in my life.  I know it is God drilling a point home and making sure He gets through my think skull what He wants me to do.  This is one of those moments.  Where several messages on Truth and Lies has presented themselves to me in a matter of a few days.

I encourage you to watch the video on my front page, it is a strong message and the presenter comes across a bit egotistical at first but I do not believe he means to.  It is a tough message to deliver, one all of us desperately need to hear, and one few deliver these days.

Max’s words above deliver a much softer version of the same message.  God has high standards, and we need to repent of all our sins, even the little ones.  And to repent, doesn’t just mean to ask for forgiveness and say you will try to not do it again.  It is to work with God and Christ to transform your life by changing the way you live and what you model to others.  It is not about works, but about a sign of faith.  Do we have any signs that show others we are a Christian, and I don’t mean a tee-shirt.  We should not be of this world, but strangers to it as we transform through Christ Jesus and God’s Gift of Salvation.

May Peace be with You!

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Must see video, it is a little under an hour, but worth every minute.

It is what America needs.

The Truth!  No punches pulled.


Paul Washer’s shocking message to America


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

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Devotional: The Courtroom of the World

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s book Grace for the Moment

The Courtroom of the World

You will be my witnesses–in Jerusalem,

in all of Judea, in Samaria, and in every

part of the world.

Acts 1:8

We are witnesses.  And like witnesses in a court, we are called to testify, to tell what we have seen and heard.  And we are to speak truthfully.  Our task is not to whitewash nor bloat the truth.  Our task is to tell the truth.  Period.

There is, however, one difference between the witness in court and the witness for Christ.  The witness in court eventually steps down from the witness chair, but the witness for Christ never does.  Since the claims of Christ are always on trial, court is perpetually in session, and we remain under oath.

Just Like Jesus


Great message and reminder of what God has called us to do.  Witness to those around us through our words and our actions.  We must wake up those we care about and those who do not know Christ.  Time is short.

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: God Knows What’s Best

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s book Grace for the Moment

God Knows What’s Best

Trust the Lord with all your heart,

and don’t depend on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

The problem with this world is that it doesn’t fit.  Oh, it will do for now, but it isn’t tailor-made.  We were made to live with God, but on earth we live by faith.  We were made to live forever, but on this earth we live but for a moment. . . .

We must trust God.  We must trust not only that he does what is best but that he knows what is ahead.  Ponder the words of Isaiah 57:1-2:  “The good men perish; the godly die before their time and no one seems to care or wonder why.  No one seems to realize that God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  For the godly who die shall rest in peace” (TLB).

My, what a thought.  God is taking them away from the evil days ahead.  Could death be God’s grace?  Could the funeral wreath be God’s safety ring?  As horrible as the grave may be, could it be God’s protection from the future?

Trust in God, Jesus urges, and trust in me.

A Gentle Thunder


I had not remembered reading that verse in Isaiah before.  It is very comforting, I wish I would have discovered it earlier.  It also as all of God’s wisdom, matches Jesus’ promise to keep us from the wrath, his faithful brothers and sisters of His church.

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Let the Redeemed Say So

Today’s (bonus) devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

Let the Redeemed Say So

You have begun to live the new life,

in which you are being make new and are

becoming like the One who made you.

Colossians 3:10

I wonder if Jesus doesn’t muster up a slight smile as he sees his lost sheep come straggling into the fold — the beaten, broken, dirty sheep who stands at the door looking up at the Shepherd asking, “Can I come in?  I don’t deserve it, but is there room in your kingdom for one more?”  The Shepherd looks down at the sheep and says, “Come in, this is your home.”

Salvation is the process that’s done, that’s secure, that no one can take away from you.  Sanctification is the lifelong process of being changed from one degree of glory to the next, growing in Christ, putting away the old, taking on the new.

The Psalmist David would tell us that those who have been redeemed will say so!  If we’re not saying so perhaps it’s because we’ve forgotten what it is like to be redeemed.  Let the redeemed of the earth say so!

Walking with the Savior


With all the insane news and end times signs today, I felt we could all use a second devotional….

This is a great reminder about what God’s will for us is.  I love the passage in John where Jesus is asked what works must they do for God.

John 6:28-29 – “Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?  Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.”

So often as Christians, we get caught up in works and all the doing and forget that salvation is a gift from God, paid for by Jesus.  There is nothing that we can do to ever repay it. 

After we have received salvation, then we start working on transforming our lives to be more like Christ.  It is not instantaneous, but a process over the rest of our lives here on earth until Jesus comes to take us home. 

We do our selves a disservice to set the expectation that sanctification occurs in a moment or that it won’t be an up and down process.  We are human, so we have sin as well and always will, but our new goal should be striving to be more like Christ so that we can shine him into this world while we are here.

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Rescued by Heaven

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

Rescued by Heaven

I tell you the truth, whoever hears

what I say and believes in the One

who sent me has eternal life.

John 5:24

When you recognize God as Creator, you will admire him.  When you recognize his wisdom, you will learn from him.  When you discover his strength, you will rely on him.  But only when he saves you will you worship him.

It’s a “before and after” scenario.  Before your rescue, you could easily keep God at a distance. . . .  Sure he was important, but so was your career.  Your status.  your salary. . . .

Then came the storm…the rage . . . the fight…the ripped moorings. . . . Despair fell like a fog; your bearings were gone.  In your heart, you knew there was no exit.

Turn to your career for help?  Only if you want to hide from the storm . . . not escape it.  Lean on your status for strength?  A storm isn’t impressed with your title. . . .

Suddenly you are left with one option: God.

In the Eye of the Storm


Isn’t that just like us humans, to wait until there are not other options?  The analogy of us as children is a good one.  Why do we do this?  That is the question I ponder . . .

I think this is where we as a nation find ourselves.  We have relied too much in recent years on our careers, our titles, and our salaries.  We have drifted away from God until the storm.  The storm is here.  We must turn back to Him.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.  Only through Him will we be saved and protected from the storm…

John 14:6 – “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Set Apart

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace For The Moment

Set Apart

The Spirit produces the fruit of

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,

faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23


In the third century, St. Cyprian wrote to a friend named Donatus:

This seems a cheerful world, Donatus, when I view it from this fair garden. . . . But if I climbed some great mountain and looked out . . . you know very well what I would see; brigands on the high road, pirates on the seas, in the amphitheaters men murdered to please the applauding crowds. . . .

Yet in the midst of it, I have found a quiet and holy people. . . . They are despised and persecuted, but they care not.  They have overcome the world.  These people, Donatus, are Christians. . . .

What a compliment!  A quiet and holy people. . . .

Quiet. . . . Not obnoxious.  Not boastful.  Not demanding.  Just quiet. . . .

Holy. . . . Set apart.  Pure.  Decent.  Honest.  Wholesome. . . .

The Inspirational Study Bible


I liked the compliment that Max noted (I wish we lived more like that these days), but was more impressed with the next sentence:  They are despised and persecuted, but they care not. 

What an incredible way to live?  I struggle to imagine it, partly due to the fact that we are not persecuted and despised to the level they were, at least not yet. 

But also, I think we struggle with the last sentence, which I think is the reason they did not care about the previous.   They have overcome the world. 

What does it really mean to overcome the world? 

I think for me, these days, it has to do with Paul’s “Blessed Hope”.

Something for us to ponder…

May Peace Be With You!

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Devotional: A Focus to Life

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment

A Focus to Life

Work as if you were doing

it for the Lord, not for people.

Colossians 3:23

When do we get our first clue that [Jesus] knows he is the Son of God?  In the temple of Jerusalem.  He is twelve years old.  His parents are three days into the return trip to Nazareth before they notice he is missing.  They find him in the temple studying with the leaders….

As a young boy, Jesus already senses the call of God.  But what does he do next?  Recruit apostles and preach sermons and perform miracles?  No he goes home to his folks and learns the family business.

That is exactly what you should do.  Want to bring focus to your life?  Do what Jesus did.  Go home, love your family, and take care of business.  But Max, I want to be a missionary.  Your first mission field is under your roof.  What makes you think they’ll believe you overseas if they don’t believe you across the hall?

Just Like Jesus


Isn’t that just like us humans?  We are so concerned with saving the world but we forget to look inside our own house.  It seems to be a common theme throughout the Bible.  Something about a log in your eye, or was it mine?

I know this is something I have always struggled with, it seems our focus always gets directed away by all the shiny objects or injustice that we see outside, “in the world”. 

Most recently, my focus has been redirected back home by my child starting school.  That combined with all of the articles and news stories on indoctrination. 

I, we, need to focus on God and expanding his presence in our home and our families lives.  Our kids must know God, so that when they are pelted with arrows of evil, they will know the Truth and the only way. 

Once we have established, or re-established, that foundation, then we can start venturing out but always maintaining that foundation on the Rock.

May Peace Be With You!

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Devotional: A Heavy Revelation

Today’s devotional is from Marc Koch with Rizeup.us:


“As for me, I will certainly not sin against the LORD by ending my prayers for you.”
– 1 Samuel 12:23 (NLT)

When it comes to sin, there are really two different types
that we ought to take note of. There are sins of commission and sins of
omission. What’s the difference? Sins of commission are things we do that we
shouldn’t do. They are things we actively engage in. Taking something that
doesn’t belong to you, cheating on an exam, or lying on your resume are all
sins of commission.

Then there’s the less obvious variety that we call sins of
omission. These are things that we don’t do that we should do. We omit them
from our actions. And in the passage above, Samuel identifies a certain sin of
omission for us, the sin of not praying. In his mind, it was nothing short of
sin to stop praying for the people that God had placed around him.

This is a heavy revelation for most of us. There is such a
thing as the sin of prayerlessness, and we’d be lying if we claimed absolute
innocence. But the point isn’t to lay a guilt trip here; it’s to uncover what
might be blocking us from spiritual growth.

Sin of any sort, commission or omission, is going to
counteract the work God wants to do in us. Now, maybe there isn’t a glaring
addiction to sin present in our lives. But if a person is coming up short in
their prayer life, they won’t grow spiritually the way they’re supposed to.

A lot of Christians just can’t figure out why they’re still
struggling spiritually-when all the while it’s because they’re leading lives of
prayerlessness. It’s a simple problem, and there’s an even simpler
prescription: Prayer the 18 prayers in your study guide EVERY MORNING and watch the change take place.

Decide to encourage someone in your life who may have lost
their enthusiasm for daily prayer.  If some are “running low” on
prayer power, spend a few minutes encouraging them and charging them back up!

Hand them the First Hour.
Have a blessed day!
The second type of sin that Marc mentions above is something that is easily forgotten, I know I do.  We need to make sure to include these in our prayers and for God to gently remind us at the appropriate time so we can take action.
May Peace Be With You!

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Devotional: God’s Word

Today’s devotional is from Larry Burkett’s book, Great Is Thy Faithfulness.

God’s Word

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as

a workman who does not need to be ashamed,

handling accurately the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15

I read the Bible in my private devotion time.  I don’t actually study during those times.  Rather, I’m looking to see if God might reveal something to me out of a passage of Scripture that I might have already read many times but had missed.  Often you’ll do that, because at different stages of your life you’re more open to specific things.

Sometimes when I study the Bible I am looking for something – a particular word – and I’ll look up all the verses that deal with that word or subject.

I use different translations: the New International Version in my private devotions or when I’m just reading the Bible.  If I’m studying, I use the New American Standard version, and  that’s primarily because I grew up using it.  Once you’ve used one translation that long, it’s hard to change.

If I ever find what I think is a discrepancy in one translation, I’ll look that up in several translations or I’ll get out a lexicon and see if that determines for me the root meaning of a word.

If that doesn’t work, I’ll go to someone who knows the root languages of Greek and Hebrew.  Whatever they say pretty well settles it for me.

Unless we read God’s Word, we cannot know what God is saying to us.  When we pray we talk to Him.  When we read the Bible, He is talking to us.  His Word is full of rich history, exciting events, instructions for daily living, encouragement, and strength.


My two favorite lines of this where first when Larry talks about getting new learning from sections he has re-read many times, simply because it is a different stage of our life.  I think we forget this, God told us in the Bible that he commonly hide meaning from His children until the appointed time.  The end times prophecy and Christ’s parables are good examples.

The second is the last paragraph, where he talks about God talking to us through His Word, the Bible.  In this fast paced society that we have created, I think this is one of the things we have lost.  Reading God’s word every day.

May Peace Be With You!

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Devotional: A Place of Permanence

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace For The Moment:

A Place of Permanence

The Lord will always lead you.

Isaiah 58:11

You’ve been there.  You’ve escaped the sandy foundation of the valley and ascended his grand outcropping of granite.  You’ve stepped aways from the masses and followed the Master as he led you up the winding path to the summit….

Gently your guide invites you to sit on the rock above the tree line and look out with him at the ancient peaks that will never erode.  “What is necessary is still what is sure,” he confides.  “Just remember:

“You’ll go nowhere tomorrow that I haven’t already been.

“Truth will still triumph….

“The victory is yours….”

The sacred summit.  A place of permanence in a world of transition.

The Applause of Heaven


I love the line, “You’ll go nowhere tomorrow that I haven’t already been”.  For me, I don’t think there is a more reassuring statement.  We need more of those during these troubling times.  Remember, what Christ said as well in the Olivet Discourse:

 “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.” – Matthew 24:6 

We must remember that God is in control of all things.

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Spiritual Bankruptcy

Today’s devotional is from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

Spiritual Bankruptcy

God will show his mercy forever and

ever to those who worship and serve him.

Luke 1:50

God does not save us because of what we’ve done.  Only a puny god could be bought with tithes.  Only an egotistical god would be impressed with our pain.  Only a temperamental god could be satisfied by sacrifices.  Only a heartless god would sell salvation to the highest bidders.

And only a great God does for his children what they can’t do for themselves.

God’s delight is received upon surrender, not awarded upon conquest.  The first step to joy is a plea for help, an acknowledgement of moral destitution, an admission of inward paucity.  Those who taste God’s presence have declared spiritual bankruptcy and are aware of their spiritual crisis….  Their pockets are empty.  Their options are gone.  They have long since stopped demanding justice;  they are pleading for mercy.

The Applause of Heaven


One of my favorite verses is from the gospel of John and I believe aligns with this devotional above, it was what came to my mind after reading it.  It is John 6:28-29, Jesus has just been asked by the crowd, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”  Jesus answered, “The works of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

That is what God considers “works”, belief in Jesus Christ!  We can not save ourselves, it is something God has to do for us, as a good Father, as a gift!

May peace be with you!

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Devotional: God Sees Our Value

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment:

God Sees Our Value

God does not see the same way people see.

People look at the outside of a person,

but the Lord looks at the heart.

1 Samuel 16:7

God sees us with the eyes of a Father.  He sees our defects, errors, and blemishes.  But he also sees our value.

What did Jesus know that enabled him to do what he did?

Here’s part of the answer.  He knew the value of people.  He knew that each human being is a treasure.  And because he did, people were not a source of stress but a source of joy.

In the Eye of the Storm


The last sentence of that really struck me, “…people were not a source of stress but a source of joy.”  I know for me, that people and their actions tend to cause a lot of stress and worry in my life.  Wouldn’t that be amazing to be able to look at people, instantly forgive them of all their sins (and my own), and look straight at their heart to see their value.  When I ponder that, it makes me realize our God is an Awesome God!  And I am so blessed to have Jesus be part of my life.

May Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Seek the Kingdom of God

Today’s Devotional is from Rizeup.us by Marc Koch.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else . . .”
– Matthew 6:33 (NLT)

We’ve established that we’ve been created to communicate, to interact, and to engage in relationship. God has pre-programmed us with this disposition to relate, and we’re obedient to it without even thinking about it.

But not all relationships are equally beneficial for us. Some are bad, some are good, some are better, and one is best. And if a person is truly wise, he will make it his priority to pursue that one relationship that’s best for him. So which relationship is best? As the title indicates, the vertical (God) is greater than the horizontal (others). Yes, the greatest relationship that a human being can ever experience is a relationship with God.

Think it through: Humanity is a fallen race, a sinful breed, a tainted product (Romans 5:12). No matter how kind, patient, noble, or forgiving people are, it doesn’t erase the fact that sin dwells within them. At some point it will come out. There can never be a perfect relationship with another human being because all human beings are imperfect.

Then there’s God, who is perfect in all His ways and in whom there is no sin at all (Deuteronomy 32:4, Habakkuk 1:13). Everything about God is superior to us in every way, and a relationship with Him is superior to a relationship with anyone else. It will never repay us with sin, but will only yield goodness and love. It’s the best relationship we can ever have, and so it’s the relationship that we should seek above all else.

If we don’t, we’re setting ourselves up for sorrow and disappointment because we’re pursuing something sinful and imperfect. But when God is first, we start from a point of perfection, which makes it possible for us to order and manage the imperfect relationships in life.

We’ve been created to communicate and relate, and the greatest relationship possible is a relationship with God.

Dig into Matthew 6:33. Why did Jesus give this simple command? Why is this difficult for you to obey? How could you begin to live this verse out in a practical way?

Decide today to pray for those who don’t have this relationship with God. Ask God for His saving grace to reach those friends who need Jesus.


Matthew 6:33 – “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

May God bless you!

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Devotional: Know the Will

Today’s devotional is from Rizeup.us (Marc Koch) – It is a great experience in prayer & turning back to God.


“Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”
– 1 John 5:14 (NKJV)

If you’ve been a believer for more than ten minutes, you
know that prayer isn’t a simple matter of getting whatever you ask for. God
isn’t obligated to grant our every request. He’s a Father, not a genie. And as
any parent knows, children don’t always ask for the right things. They can ask,
demand, and insist on things that are going to be detrimental to their

God possesses this parental perspective, and so He doesn’t
guarantee to do whatever we ask of Him. However, He does promise to respond to
requests that are “according to His will.” Here’s a truth that is 100 percent
true 100 percent of the time: God’s will is always good for us. It may not
always feel good, but it will always be good. And so when we pray God’s will,
we’re praying for what’s best for us, and that’s precisely what our Heavenly
Father wants for us.

Our requests need to be filtered through an understanding of
God’s will. Otherwise, we can waste a lifetime asking for things that He’s
never going to give us. And if we should happen to find ourselves in a rut like
that, we’ll grow bitter, disappointed, and angry with God . . . even though
He’s only doing what’s best for us.

Be wise when it comes to what you pray for. Know what God’s
will is, and ask along those lines. When you do, you’ll see Him work in ways
that you never thought possible.

And if we know that He hears us, whatever we ask, we know
that we have the petitions that we have asked of Him. (1 John 5:15 NKJV)


I think the concept of God’s Will is something over the last year that has made it into every one of my prayers.  Not just as Marc states above as praying for God’s Will to be done, but to even know and understand what God’s Will is for our lives.  Each day I ask, Hey God, what is Your Will for me again?  The more I pray about it though the more pieces He lets me in on, don’t get me wrong, I don’t know fully His will for me and my purpose, but I have understood pieces and directions He wants me to go.

There is a great book out there that I would recommend if you want to understand more about praying God’s Will.  It was after reading it a few years back that I really “got it” concerning praying for God’s Will and not just my wants or needs.  The title is It’s not about me by Max Lucado.

May God bless you!

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Devotional: Infinite Patience

Today’s Devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace For the Moment

Infinite Patience

Patience produces character, and

 character produces hope.  And this hope

 will never disappoint us.

Romans 5:4-5

God is often more patient with us than we are with ourselves.  We assume that if we fall, we aren’t born again.  If we stumble, then we aren’t truly converted.  If we have the old desires, then we must not be a new creation.

If you are anxious about this, please remember, “God began doing a good work in you, and I am sure he will continue it until it is finished when Jesus Christ comes again” (Phil. 1:6).

A Gentle Thunder


The one think I like about Max Lucado’s writing, is the perspective God gives him.  He is able to sum up so much about how we stumble through live in a short paragraph and a couple of verses.  God has truly given him a gift.

This is wonderful reassurance for the times we live in and the times ahead.  God is always there for you, waiting patiently to listen to our worries, confessions, and anything we care to share.  He longs for a personal relationship with each of us, and will patiently wait till we choose to engage. 

That’s right, it is up to us.  I know I forget that all to often…

Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Smile… I love you!

Today’s devotional is from Rizeup.us (Marc Koch).  (This is a wonderful prayer program for men, check it out.)

He emails out devotionals occasionally and I thought this was very timely. 

Smile… I love you!

“I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant love.”
                              – Jeremiah 31:3

Why God loves us is a mystery… one we will never solve. The good news is that we don’t have to understand why; He just does! The Bible says that God’s love is a gift… pure and simple. It’s not something we have earned. We haven’t charmed our way into God’s heart. We haven’t impressed Him with our selfless acts or great charitable contributions. God loves us because He chooses to.

So why do we struggle so hard to receive it and why do so many people pass through this life without ever feeling the warmth of God’s loving smile? Perhaps it’s because we are so busy working to make ourselves worthy of His love that we somehow miss the simple truth of it.

You will never be good enough, cute enough, bright enough, accomplished enough, or rich enough to earn God’s love. Nor will you ever be able to understand it. But receiving it is easy. All you have to do is reach out and take it.

Open the door to your heart today. Look up into God’s loving face and smile at this blessing. Then close your eyes and imagine Him smiling back at you. God loves you!

Maybe I should have used the word timeless, instead of timely?  In these challenging times, I think it is so important to remember God Love’s us, and once we accept that, we can reflect it back to others as we go about our daily tasks. 

We work so hard to earn this and earn that.  Remember the timeless adage: “You don’t get something for nothing.” or the simplified version “Nothing in life is free.”  Well that is true, nothing on earth is free, but God’s love from heaven is free, all we have to do is accept it, just like our salvation.

One of my favorite scripture verses is Ephesians 2:8-9  “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.”

 So I guess another adage is correct as well: “The best things in life are free.”  God’s love and salvation!

Take a moment to think about that.  Is there no simpler way of showing God’s love and doing His will than simply smiling?

Peace be with you!

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Devotional: The True Son of God

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace for the Moment.

The True Son of God

His followers went to him and

woke him, saying, “Lord, save us!  We will drown!

Jesus answered, “why are you afraid?”

Matthew 8:25-26

Read this verse: “Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God'” (Matthew 14:33 NIV).

After the storm, [the disciples] worshiped him.  They had never, as a group, done that before.  Never.  Check it out.  Open your Bible.  Search for a time when the disciples corporately praised him.

You won’t find it.

You won’t find them worshiping when he heals the leper.  Forgives the adulteress.  Preaches to the masses.  They were willing to follow.  Willing to leave family.  Willing to cast out demons.  Willing to be in the army.

But only after the incident on the sea did they worship him.  Why?

Simple.  This time they were the ones who were saved.

In the Eye of the Storm


This was something I had never picked up on.  All the times I had read those verses, I never realized that it was a first. 

I think it really drives home that the disciples were human just like us.  Aren’t their actions so true, I have a dozen of examples in my life where I acted the same way. 

Until it impacts us directly, we can be disconnected from it all.  But as soon as it becomes personal, then it really hits home.  I think this is one of the reasons why God wants us to have a personal relationship with us.  Once it becomes personal, we really have both feet in his camp, we are “all in”. 

Think about that as you go about your day, are you “all in” for God?! 

Do you have a personal relationship with God?

Peace be with you!

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Devotional: Safe to Believe

Today’s devotional comes from Max Lucado’s Grace For The Moment.

Safe to Believe

“When Jesus was raised from the dead it was a signal of the end of death-as-the-end.”  Romans 6:5-6 MSG

Don’t you love that sentence?  “It was the signal of the end of death-as-the-end.”  The reserection is an exploding flare announcing to all sincere seekers that it is safe to believe.  Safe to believe in ultimate justice. Safe to believe in eternal bodies.  Safe to believe in heaven as our estate and the earth as its porch.  Safe to believe in a time when questions won’t keep us awake and pain won’t keep us down.  Safe to believe in open graves and endless days and genuine praise.

Because we can accept the resurrection story, it is safe to accept the rest of the story. – When Christ Comes


This scripture really hit home for me.  There is so much scary stuff that is coming our way in the end times as evil begins taking control of the planet.  It is important to remember that God promises to protect us from His wrath.  Yes, we will have to endure some of the birth pains as we dutifully execute His will and await the rapture but He watches over us through that time as well, always with us, always reassuring us and giving us the strength and decernment to carry on.  This was the “a-ha” for me this morning and I will try going forward to add that reassurance with every post as well as these devotionals.  Remember to take everything to Him in prayer, stand behind Him, the Truth, and the fire will not consume you.

Peace be with you!

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