
Archive for May, 2012

Folks, we are flying toward prophecy fulfillment!


Muslim Brotherhood’s Egyptian Presidential Candidate: ‘Jihad Is Our Path & Death In the Name of Allah Is Our Goal’

There’s been plenty of drama leading up to Egypt’s presidential elections later this month. But in addition to the infighting and violence, there is an overarching fear surrounding who will assume the presidency. In the post-Hosni Mubarak world, some fear that radical Islamist ideals will overtake the nation, leading to increased hostility and volatility. And a recent comment about “jihad” from Mohammed Mursi, a top candidate being touted by the Muslim Brotherhood, will only add to worries.

Mohammed Mursi of Muslim Brotherhood Calls for Sharia & Jihad in Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammed Morsi

According to The Voice of Russia, an international media outlet owned by the Russian government, Mursi is calling for a Constitution that is based on the Koran and sharia law.

(Related: Egyptian Cleric Claims Muslim Brotherhood Presidential Candidate Will Make Jerusalem ‘The Capital of the Caliphate’)

“The Koran is our constitution, the Prophet is our leader, jihad is our path and death in the name of Allah is our goal,” Mursi apparently said in an election speech at Cairo University on Saturday evening. “Today we can establish Sharia law because our nation will acquire well-being only with Islam and Sharia. The Muslim Brothers and the Freedom and Justice Party will be the conductors of these goals.” (more…)

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Terry really nailed what I have been feeling over the last couple of weeks.  I have been reading a lot of articles and listening to a lot of video on current events without a lot of time to post them. 

His article below sums up precisely what I have been feeling.  It is well worth the read and time to ponder the message.


May 14, 2012

At Sodom’s Gate

My mind is impressed, as the day of Israel’s sixty-fourth birth into the modern era arrives, that God’s dealing with man seems about to make full circle. By that, I mean that the Book given to humanity that is his love letter and His manual for living life on this planet, given through His chosen nation, opens, in my spiritual mind, to the pages of the time of Lot and his life in Sodom.

It seems to me that we can sense, if we consider the headlines today, the angels of judgment at the gates of our own nation. Are they there, sent by the Lord of Heaven, after having entertained the efforts of God’s servants–like Abraham those thousands of years ago—to find, percentage-wise, ten righteous people who have a heart for the things of the Lord?

Israel is the prototype nation–i.e., all successive nations have had Israel to use as a template of how to act, not act, react, and conduct the affairs within the human conditions of their time in the spotlight of history. We are at just such a time of examination, in my estimation, of our own much blessed country.

It is striking to me that a first-time author has hit it big with a book that deals almost precisely with the premise of this commentary. The Harbinger by Jonathan Cahn uses just such a template to dissect the Almighty’s dealings with Israel as juxtaposed against the recent history of America.

This isn’t a review of that book, so I won’t say a great deal about it. Suffice it to say that I find the relevant points of similarities between the two nations quite remarkable, as presented by the author. I recall my own opening remarks in a book written not long after the attacks on the U.S. of September 11, 2001, as I reflect on what Mr. Cahn has written.

Television screens across America and the world repeatedly flashed videotape of the huge passenger jet crashing full-throttle into the enormous building. Dazed people watched in awestruck disbelief while trapped victims leaped from the building’s top floors, some holding hands with others when they jumped. The massive twin towers disintegrated and crumbled to flaming rubble. It was the most heinous terrorist attack ever recorded. Almost immediately, angry, frightened people began demanding answers to the insanity now forever etched in their memories. Many churches were filled the Sunday following the attacks in New York and Washington, D.C. There was an instinctive sense that those murderous acts of terrorism were somehow foreordained. That the carnage now known as “Ground Zero” and the uncertain future is, in some troubling way, linked by prophetic destiny. (Prophecy at Ground Zero: From Today’s Middle East Madness to the Second Coming of Christ.)

The author of The Harbinger reaches much of the same sorts of conclusions as did the authors who collaborated with me in our book, released in 2002. He gets much more specific about Ground Zero in Lower East Manhattan than did we, providing some really chilling similarities between things written in prophecy about Israel and their fulfillment, and what has happened in America since that fateful 9/11 date. He does a credible job of postulating–with strong scriptural backing—on how the U.S. judgment looks to have begun taking place in earnest at the time the towers fell on September 11, 2001.

The bottom line is that events just this past week bring home in an almost eerie way that the angels of judgment must be at the very gates of our own nation. We have long recounted the many signals of impending prophetic fulfillment. The nation Israel is at the center of hatred in the U.N.; the reviving Roman Empire is rearranging daily into prophetic configuration; the “Roadmap to Peace” plan is being pushed to make Israel conform to the wishes of the international community; the world is moving swiftly toward one world–especially toward global economy that threatens to bring the dollar down and install some sort of electronic funds transfer system.

As if that weren’t enough evidence of where we stand on God’s prophetic timeline, there is Russia, Iran, Turkey, and the whole Islamic world coming together in a way that indicates the Gog-Magog prophecy of Ezekiel 38-39 is shaping for soon fulfillment. China represents a growing hegemonic threat not only in all of Asia, but in the whole world, economically speaking.

And now, astonishingly, the first sitting president of the United States in history, on the heels of his vice president first doing so, puts America directly at the gates of Sodom with his declaration that marriage should be made legal as between a man and a man and a woman and a woman. That is, it would indeed be astonishing—except that the U.S. citizenry have been desensitized by years of news and entertainment media inculcation, putting forward the idea that there is no difference between heterosexual and homosexual relationships. So, where at one time–no more than a decade ago—an incumbent president proposing such a thing would have sealed his own defeat, we now have no way of knowing if it will adversely affect his election chances.

Again, we hear the words of Jesus echo in forewarning of when He will next catastrophically intervene into earth’s history: “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 17:28-30).



Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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A great commentary by Terry at Rapture Ready’s – Nearing Midnight section.

It is an amazing assessment of what is happening to us, as a nation, as a people… the worlds last great hope?

More stage setting for what is about to come upon this planet…we are indeed nearing midnight.


Apr 2, 2012

Catalyst for End-Times Catastrophe

Mark Stein, substituting for radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, was asked by a caller to the program on Friday, March 23, something like the following: “What do you think is China’s reason for building their military at such a rapid rate? Is it because they think they need to prepare to defend their interests against an attack? Or is it because they intend to attack others in a first strike at some point in the future?”

The British-accented political pundit said he personally senses that China is trying to bankrupt the American economy in much the same way the U.S.–under Ronald Reagan’s presidency—caused the Soviet economy to implode. The twist, Stein implied, is that China is accomplishing the bankrupting process through the debt owed China by this nation. Fully 80 percent of China’s military buildup, he believes, has been funded to this point by the interest on the debt America owes the Chinese communist government.

I have pointed out in this column before that students of Bible prophecy have long wondered about the 200-million-troop army, described as the “kings of the east” in the Revelation 9: 5-16 and 16:12 prophecy. In context of the modern red Chinese army, it has been a longstanding question: How could such a force be outfitted, given China’s weak economic position?


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Amazing stats, interesting things to ponder, but take some time to think about those that surround you each day as you read the article below. 

At work?  At school?  At events you attend?  At church?

Do these pan out in your life?  How many people do you know are truly living God’s word day in and day out?

Are you?

I know I struggle with it, the culture of our society is so seductive.

(I don’t necessarily agree with 100% of her assertions, or the harshness of the delivery, but it is an eye-opening exercise and probably most likely true.)


The United States of Religion

By Donna Wasson

AOL recently printed an article on the religiosity of America as a whole. A Gallup poll taken in 2011 separated people into three main categories: very religious, moderately religious and nonreligious. I’ll give you an overview of the information gathered.

People who stated that religion is an important part of their daily life and who attend religious services every week or nearly every week were considered ‘very religious’ and comprised 40% of the population. Those who said they were ‘moderately religious’ were classified in two ways. Either they said religion is important but they don’t usually attend services or they attend church services but don’t consider religion to be important. These folks comprised 28% of the population.

Why one would bother going to church if religion was not important to them beats me! Maybe it’s the let’s-go-to-church-to-be-seen-because-that-is-what-a-good-person-does crowd, and therefore they feel content that they did their duty to God and can live like hell the rest of the week. After all, we know that “I’m a good person” will absolutely not cut it with a Holy God when “I’m a good person” stands before Him. And, boy oh boy, there are a bazillion “I’m a good person” kind of folks in America. That’s about the only kind of person I talk to!

Then there is the last category. These people are probably the most truthful of the bunch. Religion is not an important part of their daily life and they seldom or never attend religious services and are, of course considered ‘nonreligious.’ They made up 32% of the American population.


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It is really astounding how far technology has advanced.  It is certainly prophetic but also plays into, I believe, the enablement for the Mark of the Beast and Rule of the Antichrist. 

So much stage setting is going on these last few years, and at lightning speed over the last 12 months. 

The size of this complex is mind-blowing when you think how much data can be captured on a micro SD card smaller than a penny…


Apr 2, 2012

Big Brother’s Data Center

The U.S. government is in the process of building the world’s largest data complex. Located on a 240-acre site near Camp Williams, the 1-million-square-foot facility will become operational in September of next year.

The blandly named Utah Data Center is being built for the US National Security Agency (NSA). A project of immense secrecy, its purpose: to intercept, decipher, analyze, and store vast amounts of the world’s communications from satellites and underground and undersea cables of international, foreign, and domestic networks. The heavily fortified $2 billion center will house near-bottomless databases for all forms of communication, including private emails, mobile phone calls and Google searches, as well as personal data trails–travel itineraries, purchases, and other digital “pocket litter.” It is the realization of the “total information awareness” program created by the Bush administration–which was killed by Congress in 2003 after an outcry over its potential for invading privacy. (http://www.wired.co.uk/magazine/archive/2012/05/features/the-black-box)


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Amazing connections and aligns with end times prophecy…

(Go to the original article for a link to a segment of GBTV where Glenn discusses it in detail.)

This aligns both the One World Government and One World Religion, ah and sets up Ezekiel 38 and Psalm 83.  Jerusalem will be their capital.  Isn’t it amazing that our own state department will not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, but we will sit down and discuss peace and politics with these guys, who got a very warm reception in their white house visit.



‘Cali-Fait’ Accompli?: Beck Explains Why the Caliphate Is Coming

It was predicted: The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood and its goal of establishing a global caliphate. Now, something Glenn Beck and others who have paid careful attention to the Arab Spring have warned about may be coming to fruition. On Monday, The Blaze reported that during a rally for Muslim Brotherhood presidential candidate Mohammad Mursi, Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi spoke before an adoring crowd of thousands, proclaiming, “The capital of the United States of the Arabs will be Jerusalem.“ This ”United States.” And this is not even a veiled reference to an authoritarian Islamic regime, as Higazi goes on to use the word “caliphate” specifically.

We can see how the dream of the Islamic caliphate is being realized, God willing, by Dr. Mohamed Mursi,” Higazi promised the crowd. “Our capital shall not be in Cairo, Mecca or Medina.” According to JPost, after hearing Higazi’s bold declaration, Mursi, along with other Muslim Brotherhood officials nodded in agreement.

Watch below as Higazi declares his goals for a “United Arab States” in the form of an Islamic caliphate headquartered in Jerusalem. He vows the “martyrs” will march to al-Quds (the Arabic name for Jerusalem).

But this may not come as a surprise given that back in 2006, Israeli Radio reported that Israeli-Arab Islamic cleric Sheik Ra’ad Salah also proclaimed that Jerusalem would soon become the capital of an Islamic central-state.

On his Tuesday evening broadcast, Beck reminded viewers that he had warned a radical Islamic group bent on destroying Israel would seek the revival of a worldwide authoritarian regime based on Shariah law.

What’s more, GBTV’s unprecedented documentary, Rumors of War III, explained in painstaking detail, just how entrenched The Muslim Brotherhood is in American government. A full list of administration officials with these dubious family ties can be found here.

Meanwhile, Senator John Kerry, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and other Obama administration officials have heartily maintained that a dialogue with the Muslim Brotherhood is imperative, even offering its members a seat at the political table. This comes of course after James Clapper made his now infamous declaration that, despite the religious reference in its very name, the Muslim Brotherhood is in fact, “largely secular.”

Beck noted the oddity that while the Obama administration legitimizes the Muslim Brotherhood, there are still no pictures from the militant Islamist group’s recent White House visit.

So while Israel is America’s greatest ally, a group now embraced by the Obama administration unabashedly welcomes the displacement of Jews from their ancestral land, Jerusalem, to make way for the establishment of an authoritarian Islamic state that governs by Shariah law. Does that sound, in any way, shape, or form, “secular” to you?

Noting the irony, Beck said that the left silences those who attempt to warn Jews that 1938 is repeating itself, while at the same time “dumping miracle grow” on the seeds of anti-Semitism in the region. He added that the same leftists dismiss anyone who says these seeds could then sprout Nazis and Communists — both of whom murdered Jews en masse. Such tactics  play directly as if from the Saul Alinsky handbook, according to Beck.

The Caliphate

While the words of the Islamic cleric featured above are obviously frightening, it is important to understand what the caliphate is, its place in Muslim society and its significance.


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There are a ton of headlines related to prophecy this week. 

Things are remaining very heated and even heating up further if that is even possible…


One In Seven Believe World Will End Soon – End Times / Last Days

Cold War rhetoric takes dangerous turn: Russia threatens to destroy NATO missile shield if talks continue to stall – Rumors of War / Gog/Magog

Swarm of earthquakes rippling through Western Turkey – Earthquakes

‘Supermoon,’ Meteor Shower and Solar Eclipse to Grace May Skies – Signs in Heavens

The surprising threat from Mexico’s awakened volcano – Extreme Weather Signs

“We are Preparing for Massive Civil War,” Says DHS Informant – Unrest / Rumors of War

Russia threatens to strike NATO missile defense sites – Rumors of War / Gog/Magog

New ‘Unknowns’ Hacking Group Hits NASA, Air Force, European Space Agency – Unrest / Days of Noah

Billionaire Hugo Salinas Price – Elites Plan to Control the World – One World Government

Obama administration urges freer access to cellphone records – One World Government

Israel gets 4th nuke-capable German submarine – Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17 / Ezekiel 38

EU PLOT TO SCRAP BRITAIN – One World Government / Rise of Roman Empire

It’s out there: Science journal publishes details of deadly lab-made bird flu that ‘could cause global pandemic’ – Pestilence

Draghi: euro countries to lose even more sovereignty – One World Government / Rise of Roman Empire

Annan Spokesman: Plan for Syria ‘on track’ – Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17

Global Warming Melts Away – Deception

‘I’m ready for a comeback’: Blair’s made millions since quitting… now he wants to ‘re-engage with UK politics’ – Deception

5 Volcanoes You Should Keep Your Eye On – Extreme Weather Signs

Earthquake swarm strikes off West Coast again – Earthquakes

Flu study that sparked censorship row is published at last – Pestilence

Leeb – We Will See Unbelievable Chaos Going Forward – One World Government / Rise of Roman Empire

Six army battalions called up under emergency orders to meet growing threat on Egypt, Syria borders – Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17

Saudi Arabia warns Iran over Gulf islands, Bahrain – Rumors of War / Unrest

Eurozone Crisis: Joblessness Hits Record High – One World Government / Rise of Roman Empire

Fierce Clashes Erupt in Egypt Ahead of Presidential Vote – Psalm 83 War

Al Qaeda Magazine Calls for Firebomb Campaign in US – Unrest / Days of Noah

Flights disrupted as North Korea jams GPS signals – Rumors of War

India ready for war with China: Nehru – Rumors of War

Syrian students ‘killed at Aleppo protest’ – Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17

Does ‘Freedom Tower’ height fulfill prophecy? – End Times Prophecy

‘The time is finished’: Religious sect erects billboards in Toronto ahead of the ‘transformation’ – Deception / False Christs

Magnitude 6.3 quake hits off southwest Mexico – Earthquakes

Andrea Mitchell Slips Up, Says “We” Instead Of “White House” Politicizing OBL – Deception

Pentagon is planning ‘contingency’ for Iran and North Korea – Wars / Rumors of War

Meshal loses control of Hamas military wing as authority moves to Gaza leadership – Psalm 83

Seattle mayor issues emergency order after May Day mayhem – Unrest / Days of Noah

Mysterious Marine and Coastal Bird Deaths in Peru Stump Scientists – Pestilence

Colombia’s Nevado del Ruiz emits 2000 meter high steam cloud – Extreme Weather / Volcano

Canadians make a racket about mysterious ‘hum’ coming from US side of border – Signs from Heavens

Yellowstone: New Picture Emerges Of A More Active, Less ‘Super’ Volcano – Extreme Weather / Volcano

New Obama slogan has long ties to Marxism, socialism – One World Government / Deception

World Gold Council unveils latest draft of Conflict-Free Gold Standard – One World Currency

US sees sharp rise in newborns with opiate withdrawal – Days of Noah / Pestilence

At least 16 Nigerian Christians at prayer butchered after Islamists make good on threats – Christian Persecution

WashPost Writes The Public Be Damned: They’re Biased If They Think We’re Biased – Deception

QUEERLY BELOVED Pope’s spokesman: Unite to fight ‘gay’ marriage – Days of Noah

Muslim Brotherhood endorses Obama faith adviser – Deception

Does the Bible still matter in 2012? – Church Falling Away / Apostasy

The TSA’s mission creep is making the US a police state – Control / One World Government

Peru examines deaths of more than 500 pelicans – Pestilence

One killed, 16 hurt in grenade attack at Kenyan church – Christian Persecution

Hundreds of Syrian troops defect near Damascus, Latakia, as clashes flare – Psalm 83 War / Isaiah 17

Iran slams deployment of U.S. F-22 Raptors in UAE: lawmaker – Psalm 83 / Ezekiel 38

Lebanon holds ship ‘carrying weapons for Syria rebels’ – Psalm 83 / Isaiah 17

Monuments destroyed to wipe out Iranian Christian heritage – Christian Persecution


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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They are worried about Syria and Egypt, both part of the Psalm 83 prophecy.

22 reserve battalions is quite a bit to ready, six heading into service this week.

Things are heating up, I have also read some articles that Israel must strike before our election in November, due to the concern of the “flexibility” Obama’s second term could bring.

Something to watch, I will try to find and post the other article.


Six army battalions called up under emergency orders to meet growing threat on Egypt, Syria borders

The IDF has issued emergency call up orders to six reserve battalions in light of new dangers on the Egyptian and Syrian borders. And the Knesset has given the IDF permission to summon a further 16 reserve battalions if necessary, Israeli media reported on Wednesday.

An IDF spokesperson said intelligence assessments called for the deployment of more soldiers. An army statement highlighted last August’s infiltration from the Sinai north of Eilat in which eight Israelis were killed, and said the subsequent division of that area into two distinct military zones necessitated additional manpower.

According to 2008′s Reserve Duty Law, combat soldiers can be called for active reserve duty once every three years, and for short training sessions during the other two. Rising tensions between Israel and Egypt and the ongoing unrest in Syria caused the army to ask the Knesset for special permission to call up more soldiers, more often.

The Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee approved the request recently, enabling the IDF to summon up to 22 battalions for active duty for the second time in three years. Already, the army has called up six of them.

“This signifies that the IDF regards the Egyptian and Syrian borders as the potential source of a greater threat than in the past,” the former deputy chief of staff, Dan Harel, said on Wednesday night.


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This article from this weekend really caught my attention.

I think it really sums up well the Apostasy that Christ warned us of in the last days.

The article actually tries to spin it as that we, as Americans, still value the Bible but if you read on you will see the statistics clearly show a lack of understanding or following/studying of God’s Word.

A couple of the troubling statements:

While nearly half of Americans (47%) believe the Bible has too little influence in society—a far cry from the anti-faith picture often painted in culture—approximately half (46%) say they read the Bible no more than once or twice a year.


And approximately half of Americans surveyed didn’t know the fundamental differences between the teachings of the Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon, with 46% percent saying they believe all three books teach the same spiritual truths.

They call these facts “encouraging and unsettling”.  I am not sure where they find the encouragement it is pretty unsettling.

And “47% of Americans believe the Bible has too little influence in society”, not sure I would call that a far cry from the anti-faith picture, that’s almost half!

Take a read, it is pretty sobering…


Does the Bible still matter in 2012?


Published April 29, 2012


After all the very visible fighting about public displays of religious symbols— from 10 Commandments plaques to graveyard crosses to faith-themed war memorials to holiday manger displays—you might have developed the impression that most Americans don’t think the Bible matters today and they like it that way.

You’d be wrong.

There is a lot of speculation about both the current role and the appropriate role of the Bible in America. But each year, American Bible Society puts the guessing aside and asks a sampling of Americans to tell us how they view and use the Bible and what they believe its role should be in America.  Recently, American Bible Society released this year’s results from that research in the 2012 State of the Bible report.

The State of the Bible in America in 2012 can be summed up in a two words: encouraging and unsettling.

The research, commissioned by American Bible Society and conducted by Barna Research, found that the majority of Americans (69%) believe the Bible provides answers on how to live a meaningful life. But while 79% believe they are knowledgeable about the Bible, 54% were unable to correctly identify the first five books of the Bible.  And approximately half of Americans surveyed didn’t know the fundamental differences between the teachings of the Bible, Koran and Book of Mormon, with 46% percent saying they believe all three books teach the same spiritual truths.

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This article just popped up on Drudge and caught my eye this evening.

The headline on Drudge was:

PAPER: Secret plan to create 'super-powerful EU president'...

A “super-powerful EU president” set off alarms in my head about the rise of the final Roman Empire from Revelation.

The quote from the article that really sealed it for me was the third paragraph:

Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages.

And there it is.  Something to keep an eye on, things are really picking up.  I will list some of the other key signs I found over the last few days as well.

Time is short!

May God bless us to do His will in these last days!


Story ImageEuropean Council President Herman Van Rompuy

Friday May 4,2012

By Macer Hall

SENIOR Eurocrats are secretly plotting to create a super-powerful EU president to realise their dream of abolishing ­Britain and other nation states, the Daily Express can reveal.

A covert group of EU foreign ministers has drawn up plans for merging the jobs currently done by Herman Van Rompuy, president of the European Council, and Jose Manuel Barroso, president of the European Commission.

The new bureaucrat, who would not be directly elected by voters, is set to get sweeping control over the entire EU and force member countries into ever-greater political and economic union. Tellingly, the UK has been excluded from the confidential discussions within the shady “Berlin Group” of Europhile politicians, spearheaded by German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle.

Opponents fear the plan could create a modern-day equivalent of the European emperor envisaged by Napoleon Bonaparte or a return to the Holy Roman Empire of Charlemagne that dominated Europe in the Dark Ages. They are concerned that David Cameron’s coalition Government is doing nothing to prevent the sinister plot. The secret talks were uncovered by Independent Labour peer Lord Stoddart of Swindon. (more…)

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