
Posts Tagged ‘drought’

Here are a couple of the articles I have found over the last few days that may point over the very near horizon of prophecy fulfillment

Remember, the darker it gets, the brighter and farther our little light shines!

Maranatha, Lord come quickly!



Ebola outbreak: Senegal confirms first case
Senegal’s health minister has confirmed a first case of Ebola, making it the fifth West African country to be affected by the outbreak. Awa Marie Coll Seck told reporters on Friday that a young man from Guinea had travelled to Senegal despite having been infected with the virus.

Dogs Feast On Ebola Victim Carcasses in Liberia
Dogs can act as a transmitter of Ebola, but canines do no development symptoms from the virus, according to medical experts. A medical doctor told News24, “this means that dogs won’t get sick but they still could carry a potential risk through licking or biting.”

Ebola Is Rapidly Mutating As It Spreads Across West Africa
For starters, the data show that the virus is rapidly accumulating new mutations as it spreads through people. “We’ve found over 250 mutations that are changing in real time as we’re watching,” Sabeti says. While moving through the human population in West Africa, she says, the virus has been collecting mutations about twice as quickly as it did while circulating among animals in the past decade or so.

World ‘has never seen an outbreak of Ebola like this’
Dr Tom Frieden said: “There is need for urgent action. The world has never seen an outbreak of Ebola like this….. I wish I didn’t have to say this, but it is going to get worse, before it gets better.” (video)

WHO: Over 20,000 could be infected with Ebola
They said the actual number of cases in four West African nations could already be two to four times higher than the reported 3,069, as they issued a strategic plan to combat the outbreak.


Report: Islamic State trying to develop biological weapons
The Islamic State…is also trying to develop biological weapons , Foreign Policy reported, citing information found on a laptop computer seized from an IS operative. …The laptop, belonging to a Tunisian operative of the Islamic State, named Muhammed S., with a background in chemistry and physics, included a 19-page document on developing biological weapons and weaponizing the bubonic plague.

Feds’ Bulletin Describes Threat of Imminent Terrorist Attack on Southern Border
Islamic terrorist groups are operating in the Mexican border city of Ciudad Juarez and planning to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices (VBIED). High-level federal law enforcement, intelligence and other sources have confirmed to Judicial Watch that a warning bulletin for an imminent terrorist attack on the border has been issued.

Britain put on alert of ‘highly likely’ attack by terrorist groups
Britain raised its terrorism alert yesterday to the second-highest level with Prime Minister David Cameron saying the Islamic State (Isis) group operating in Syria and Iraq posed the country’s greatest-ever security risk.

Saudi king warns West will be jihadists’ next target
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has warned that the West will be the next target of the jihadists sweeping through Syria and Iraq, unless there is “rapid” action. “If we ignore them, I am sure they will reach Europe in a month and America in another month,” he said in remarks quoted on Saturday by Asharq al-Awsat daily and Saudi-backed Al-Arabiya television station.

ISIS: US-made monster running amok in Middle East
In its desire to topple Syrian President Bashar Assad, the US channeled arms and funds to the Syrian rebels, many of whom splintered off and formed the Islamic State, which is now giving the US far more problems than it had bargained for.


California Drought Leaves Homes Without Water
Hundreds of rural San Joaquin Valley residents no longer can get drinking water from their home faucets because California’s extreme drought has dried up their individual wells, government officials and community groups said. The situation has become so dire that the Tulare County Office of Emergency Services had 12-gallon-per person rations of bottled water…

California Sets Stage for First Groundwater Regulations…


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

In Romans 10 Paul lays out how salvation is open to all, Jew and Gentile.  He writes:

“For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.” – Romans 10:4-5

What he is saying is now it is not about works or how closely to a “T” you follow the law.  But that it is through God’s gift of grace through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ.  It is really that simple, and yet a hard step for some of us.

“That if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” – Romans 10:9

Christ is the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14), through faith in Him you will be saved.  It is the only “works” that God requires for eternal salvation.

It is The Gospel of Jesus Christ.  To learn more check out the following link.

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Key headlines for today… some big ones…


Don’t attack Iran, Russia starkly warns Israel and U.S.
Russia has starkly warned Israel and the United States against attacking Iran, saying Moscow sees no evidence that Tehran’s nuclear program is aimed at developing weapons, the Interfax news agency reported on Thursday.

Syrian General: We’re Protecting Europe from Islamists
A Syrian general in charge of operations in west Aleppo has told AFP that Europeans are exhibiting “blindness” in supporting the rebels against President Bashar Assad’s regime. Assad’s forces are “the last dam that is holding back the flood of Islamists in Europe,” he said.

Savage: Dems rejection of God ‘the turning point’
“Can you imagine, a nation founded on the principles of God is being taken over by a party that despises God, denies God’s existence and wants to stab Israel in the back in order to support the Islamists who would kill the Jews and drive them out of the Middle East?

Invisible Russian submarine
In June-July, the Akula-class submarine, an attack warship capable of carrying long-range ballistic missiles, travelled in the Gulf of Mexico patrolling the US coast. The US satellites and hydro-acoustic sensors failed to spot it. The US Navy spotted only the submarine’s tail when it was leaving the waters of the Gulf.

Fuji time bomb: Volcano to erupt under pressure
Japanese scientists predict Mt. Fuji will blow due to new tectonic pressures that are higher than when the volcano last erupted more than 300 years ago. Estimates say the eruption will affect more than 400,000 people and cost over $30 billion.

Drought Withers U.S. Corn Crop, Heats Debate on Ethanol
Predictions for a bumper crop in May withered 26 percent by August. Scarcity has pushed corn prices to all-time highs. Farmers are plowing under scorched fields, and cornhusks are blowing across roads. The mandate, meanwhile, amounts to a requirement that 42 percent of this year’s crop be pumped into gas tanks.

New energy between Cold War foes Turkey, Russia
Russia and Turkey, which were Cold War adversaries, are finding common ground on energy despite ongoing diplomatic disputes. Turkey has agreed to allow Russia’s South Stream gas pipeline to cross its territorial waters, and Russia is investing $20 billion to construct Turkey’s first nuclear power plant.-“It has been a relationship driven by mutual economic gain.”

Islam’s Ancient Divide Fuels Middle East Conflicts
They began as a cry for freedom in the Middle East, but the Arab rebellions have become increasingly characterized by an ancient sectarian conflict between Sunni and Shiite Muslims. SPIEGEL examines how the power struggle between the two groups is sparking new fears along old frontlines.

US congressman confirms high-level US-Israel spat over Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blew up at the US ambassador last month because he was “at wits’ end” over what he sees as the Obama administration’s lack of clarity on Iran’s nuclear program, a US congressman who was at the meeting said.


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

If you’re not certain you’re saved, here is what you should do, right now:
  1. Acknowledge that you have sinned against a holy God and ask for forgiveness (even if you don’t feel you deserve it) (Rom. 3:23).  Genuinely feel the pain of your sin and be willing to turn from it (repent) (Acts 3:19).
  2. Believe in your heart and mind that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died on the cross for you (John 3:1-18) in your place, and was raised back to life.  There is no one else you can turn to (John 14:6): “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me.”
  3. Confess that you are trusting Jesus as your personal Savior.  Since Jesus is alive, you can talk to him.  This is called prayer.  So talk to him right now, in your own words, accept his invitation to know him.
It’s simple faith through grace, the kind of faith a little child would have.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9)
Welcome brother or sister in Christ!  This is just the start of the journey, we are called to live in this world but not be of this world.  Begin studying God’s word (the Bible) daily to give you the strength and wisdom to live this calling out.  There are many sites like this that can help you as well.

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A few headlines that caught my eye from the last couple of days…


US Drought Affecting Global Food Security
The United States is the leading producer of corn and soybeans – two commodities that developing countries rely on. However, over the past two months, prices have risen sharply as the U.S. experiences its worst drought since the 1950s. More than half the United States is experiencing the dual problems of too little rain and temperatures that are too high.


Over 100 Million Now Receiving Federal Welfare
A new chart set to be released later today by the Republican side of the Senate Budget Committee details a startling statistic: “Over 100 Million People in U.S. Now Receiving Some Form Of Federal Welfare.”


‘Character Assassination Is Now A Way Of Life’ For The Left And Its Media Allies
since the Left has lost on all the issues, it has resorted to personal attacks and an “ends justify the means” approach (emphasis added): “What is the degree to which the left has gone to the strategy that ends justify the means? And increasingly they’ll do whatever they need to do to get their way. Character assassination is now a way of life with these people. “They can’t debate us on the issues; that’s the key. Their issues have all failed. They have only one weapon left, which is character assassination. And look how it happened. Candidate – whether it was Michele Bachmann, whether it was Herman Cain, whether it was Perry, Santorum- every single one of them was kneecapped. And in every single case it was a personal attack.”


Claim: ‘Absolute proof’ Obama was Indonesian citizen
Obama attended school in the Asian nation registered as an Indonesian citizen and as a Muslim.


Obama Administration Paves the Way for Sharia Law
The most terrifying danger Americans face from a second Barack Obama term isn’t the economy, which is scary enough. The most harrowing prospect is the Obama Administration’s passivity in the face of attempts to introduce aspects of sharia law into our legal system. Now there is strong and open evidence of the Obama administration collaborating with Islamist activists to ensure the path toward sharia law is accelerated.


Nigeria Kogi state curfew after church attack
A dusk-to-dawn curfew has been declared in parts of Kogi state in central Nigeria, after gunmen killed at least 19 worshippers at a church. Gunmen stormed the church near Okene city in Kogi state and fired on worshippers late on Monday. Kogi Governor Idris Wada said the “devilish” killers would be arrested.


Michael Oren: The World Talks as Iran Acts to Destroy Israel
Michael Oren, Israel’s Ambassador to the United States’ op-ed article in The Wall Street Journal was another implied hint that Israel cannot wait much longer before trying to delay Iran’s nuclear program with a military attack, and such articles by the ambassador to the United States presumably are coordinated with Israel’s highest officials.


Full Spectrum Operations in the Homeland: A “Vision” of the Future
This scenario requires us to consider how domestic intelligence is gathered and shared, the role of local law enforcement (to the extent that it supports the operation), the scope and limits of the Insurrection Act–for example maintaining a military chain of command but in support of the Attorney General as the Department of Justice is the Lead Federal Agency (LFA) under the conditions of the Act–and the roles of the local, national, and international media.


US, Israeli intel assessments on Iran closer than ever
Barak asserts that despite increased urgency in Washington, decisions about Israel’s security will be made in Jerusalem, clarifies that any order to attack will be made by the cabinet. Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Thursday said that a recently reported US intelligence report is closer than ever to Israel’s own intelligence estimates on Iran.


Moderate quake shakes Southern Calif.
There are no reports of damage from a late-night moderate earthquake widely felt in Southern California. The U.S. Geological Survey says the magnitude-4.4 quake struck at 11:23 p.m. Tuesday and was centered two miles east of Yorba Linda in northern Orange County.


Click on the article title for a link to full original referenced article.

If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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I pulled these headlines just from the last 3 days. 

These prophecy events are becoming more and more common and as some of the articles suggest, maybe the new norm.

I am seeing a 6.0 or greater earthquake almost every day, it use to be maybe one a month…


Largest Dust Storms in a Century Roll Back into Dust Bowl
According to meteorologists, the huge dust storms are becoming more frequent, forming during the monsoon season from June until the end of September. This summer’s dust storms are the worst to have hit since the massive “Dust Bowl” disaster that struck the Midwest in the 1930s. At that time, more than 100 million acres of topsoil were stripped from the land when the strong winds struck in Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. Massive storms gathered up the drought-parched topsoil and dumped it into the Atlantic Ocean, destroying the land for future farming, and creating the “Dust Bowl” region.  


6.6-magnitude earthquake hits off Papua New Guinean island
Tsunami warning centers in the region said there was no threat of a tsunami from the earthquake, which was initially measured as having a magnitude of 6.6. “No destructive widespread tsunami threat exists based on historical earthquake and tsunami data,” the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said in a bulletin.


6.0 quake strikes near Guatemala-Mexico border
A 6.0-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Guatemala near the country’s border with Mexico Sunday morning, the U.S. Geological Survey said. Local agencies offered different assessments of the quake, which occurred at 6:22 a.m. (8:22 a.m. ET).


Ebola outbreak in Uganda kills 13
An outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus has killed 13 people in Uganda and efforts are under way to contain the hemorrhagic fever, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Saturday. There is no treatment and no vaccine against Ebola, which is transmitted by close personal contact and, depending on the strain, kills up to 90 percent of those who contract the virus.


Chronic drought to become commonplace, scientists warn
The four-year-long drought that affected western Canada and the U.S. at the turn of the century was the worst to hit the region in 800 years, say scientists who warn that dry spell was nothing compared to the “megadroughts” still to come.  


Grain prices threaten growth – except in Canada’s breadbasket
Grain prices, which are hitting record highs as crop failures ripple around the globe, are likely to remain strong for at least three more years, the World Bank says, threatening to push the price of nutritious food beyond the reach of the world’s poorest citizens. While the massive drought in the United States has garnered a lot of attention, the situation is made worse by a shortage of rain that has damaged wheat crops in Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. India’s monsoon rainfall is also about 20 per cent below average, hurting crop prospects in the world’s second-most-populous country, while excessive rain is pinching farm producers in many European countries.


Deadly Seal Flu Virus Poses Threat To Humans
The strain is closely related to one that has been circulating in North American birds since 2002. But unlike the bird strain, it has adapted to living in mammals. It has also evolved mutations known to ease transmission and cause more severe symptoms. Specifically, the virus has the ability to target a protein found in human lungs. Dr Anne Moscona, from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, who led the researchers, said: “There is a concern that we have a new mammalian-transmissible virus to which humans haven’t been exposed yet. “It’s a combination we haven’t seen in disease before.”  


Weather station temperature claims are overheated, report claims
Global warming believer-turned-skeptic Anthony Watts, a former TV meteorologist, posted a new report online questioning the reliability of weather stations in the U.S. Historical Climatology Network, a 120-year-old weather system that forms one tent pole of climate measurements. As the country has evolved, building urban metropolises and airports and pouring parking lots, the weather stations haven’t moved — and poorly cited stations are spoiling the data.


Uganda says avoid handshakes as Ebola returns
Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni on Monday advised people to avoid shaking hands, casual sex and do-it-yourself burials to reduce the chance of contracting the deadly Ebola virus after an outbreak killed 14 people and put many more at risk.  


Drought and wild fires destroy Russian harvest
Russia is currently in the grips of an extremely strong heat wave. City and town residents are suffocating from the sweltering heat. For example, it is about 30 degrees in Moscow with prospects of the thermometer going up in the next few days. The heat wave situation is aggravated by wild fires producing clouds of poisonous smoke.  


Japan heat wave death toll rises to 30
At least 30 people have already died due to extreme heat in Japan, with more than 8,000 others rushed to hospital, including elderly people.


Heat record broken Monday
The mercury rose to over 30 degrees Celsius for the first time this summer in eastern Finland as meteorologists warned of severe thunderstorms later in the day.  


Little Rock, Ar. hits third highest temperature ever recorded: 111 F
Triple-digit heat intensified across Arkansas on Monday, setting records in at least two cities and increasing the danger for wildfires. Temperatures exceeded 100 in some areas, and are expected to stick around for much of the week. Low humidity also is settling in, increasing the threat for wildfires.


Earthquake rumbles Mineral, VA
Almost 1 year after Central Virginia was rocked by a 5.8 magnitude earthquake, a smaller tremor was felt early Tuesday morning. According to the latest reading from the U.S. Geological Survey , it happened just after midnight.


Second India blackout in two days cuts power to 670 million
Grids supplying electricity to half of India’s 1.2 billion people collapsed on Tuesday, trapping coal miners, stranding train travelers and plunging hospitals into darkness in the second major blackout in as many days.  


Corn Ratings Worsen as U.S. Midwest Drought Expands: USDA
The condition of the U.S. corn crop worsened for an eighth straight week amid the worst Midwest drought in a generation. Soybean ratings also fell. About 24 percent of the corn was in good or excellent condition as of yesterday, down from 26 percent a week earlier and 77 percent in mid-May, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in a report.


Mysterious virus threatening Kinneret’s St. Peter’s fish
Unknown virus is killing Tilapia population in Sea of Galilee; experts say future impact on lake’s eco-system unknown.


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If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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God warned of famine and drought in the last days, it is not just the US but every bread basket in the world right now is experiencing a drought or on the verge with drought like conditions.

The heat will continue, it will continue to get worst.

But do not fret, because the Lord said we should not put our hope in this world but in him and his Blessed assurance that he will keep us from the worst.

We do not belong to this world but to Christ in heaven, and he has promised to return for use.

Are we not suppose to make plans and live our lives fully here on this planet?  Of course not.

We need to make plans, live our lives for Christ, as a reflection of His love.

We need to hold on to those plans loosely, palms up, hands open, and be ready for his return.

The time draws near…Praise God!


America’s worst drought in more than half a century is threatening the world with a fresh food crisis.

Marion Kujawa looks over an ear of corn picked from one of his fields near Ashley, Illinois. The field usually yields more than 180 bushels of corn per acre, but Kujawa expects to get less than 15 bushels per acre from this year's drought-damaged crop.

Corn crops have been severely damaged by the drought. Photo: Scott Olson/Getty Images

A month of scorching temperatures across the country’s midwest has sent corn and soybean prices to record highs, while wheat prices have reached levels not seen since the last food crisis in 2008.

The severest drought since 1956 in America’s agricultural heartland has dashed the hopes that were alive just a couple of months ago of a bumper harvest. Traders and economists warned that the effect will ripple out from the US because it is the world’s biggest producer of corn and a major supplier of soybeans and wheat.

“This year we have a rally in prices that is driven by the fundamentals,” said Shawn McCambridge, an analyst at Jefferies Bache. “I really do anticipate these prices staying strong and producers will have to try to pass the cost onto consumers.”

The dizzying gain in prices has shocked many in the industry. Corn prices have surged 51pc over the last month, wheat is up 40pc and soybeans have gained almost 20pc. The prospect of another bout of food inflation will alarm governments in developing countries where the run-up in prices in 2008 caused widespread hunger and revolts. It also presents a new headwind for western countries trying to kickstart economic recoveries.

For now – at least – all eyes are on the weather forecast for those US states that have been hardest hit, including Iowa, Nebraska, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. While light rain fell in some parts day, there is little more forecast over the next two weeks.

The drought forced the US government last week to cut its forecast for corn production this year to 12.9bn bushels from a prediction of 14.8bn it made last month. “I get on my knees every day and I’m saying an extra prayer right now,” Tom Vilsack, the US agricultural secretary, said today. “If I had a rain prayer or a rain dance I could do, I would do it.”

Dan Basse, president of AgResources in Chicago, said that the government’s prediction will prove too optimistic if the dry weather persists. “We’ve been traipsing through the fields of southern Illinois and it is worse than the government says,” explained Mr Basse.

A sharp difference with 2008 is that speculative money is playing a far smaller role this time, said Mr McCambridge. Although rapid, analysts say the sharp increases over the last month are an appropriate response to the pullback in production and uncertainty over the eventual size of the corn, wheat and soyabean crops. Corn futures hit a record $8.16 a bushel on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange today, while soybeans touched $17.49 a bushel. If there is some good news, it is that rice – a staple for many of the world’s poorest – has escaped the increases.



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If you have not asked Christ into your life, the essential gospel is that Jesus died for our sins, was buried, and that He was raised on the third day (1 Cor. 15:3-4).  Believing this is the only qualification for salvation.  We are sinners in need of a savior.  Jesus died for our sins, and to prove that His death was sufficient for us,  God raised Him from the dead on the third day. Believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead is our assurance that He will raise us, too.
 3 For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, 4 that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, (1 Cor. 15:3-4). 

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Amazing article by Jack Kelly, he really lays out what we have seen happen over the last 100 years as God sets the stage for the last days.  From Israel’s return, to the fall of the USSR making way for the revived Roman enpire, to the fall of the USA we are seeing today.  He makes clearly focuses on not just what we have seen but what we should have our eye on.  God’s promises to us, His church, and His will for us until His Son returns to claim His bride in the air.  It is really something to ponder…


Standing In The Way

by Jack Kelly 

There are lots of news reports, articles, and even books devoted to the deteriorating state of America and speculating on the likely outcome. Reading them has brought several things to my mind.

As an example, I remembered something Hal Lindsey said 20 years ago about the then current world situation. He said he had been wondering how God was going to fulfill end times prophecy while the Soviet Union was standing in the way of the revived Roman Empire taking its prophesied place in the end times.

The term “revived Roman Empire” comes from Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream as a prophecy of “Gentile Dominion”, the time during which Gentile Empires would rule the world. (Daniel 2:31-43).

In the dream Nebuchadnezzar saw a large poly-metallic statue, and Daniel interpreted it to represent four Kingdoms. Many scholars believe the head of gold stood for Babylon, the chest and arms of silver symbolized Media Persia, who conquered Babylon. The belly and thighs of bronze pointed to Greece who defeated the Persians. The legs of iron represented Rome who replaced the Greeks.

Finally came the feet and toes, part of the legs and made partly of iron like the legs, but different in that they were also composed partly of baked clay. Daniel called them a divided kingdom, partly strong and partly weak (Daniel 2:41-42).

The Roman Empire was never completely conquered. Instead it split into eastern and western legs, versions of which have always been visible on the world scene. Since the feet and toes are the last phase of Gentile Dominion before the God of Heaven will set up a Kingdom of His own (Daniel 2:44) and since the statue only represents four kingdoms, scholars call them the revived Roman Empire.

How Will This Happen?

OK. Let’s go back to Hal’s question. Remember, before its fall in the early 1990s all of Eastern Europe including half of Germany was under Soviet control. This was a significant portion of the old Roman Empire. He wondered how the USSR would be defeated so the end times version of the Roman Empire could emerge.

Then we all received the answer loud and clear when for all intents and purposes the Soviet Union suddenly ceased to exist. It wasn’t defeated by an external enemy, but crumbled from within under a crippling burden of debt. The debt was the result of a combination of problems, including a disastrous war in Afghanistan, an unsustainable arms race with the US, and the inability to support the resulting increase in government spending in a declining Soviet economy.

Remembering Hal’s comment made me think how similar the world situation is today, only now it’s the US standing in the way of end times prophecy. Israel can’t experience the utter abandonment that will leave God as its only hope against powerful, hate filled enemies until the US has been neutralized. Like the Soviet Union, we could crumble from within for the same reasons they did. A catastrophic natural disaster, a coordinated series of terrorist attacks, or the rapture of the Church would also get the US out of God’s way. But something will have to happen to clear the way for the next phase of the end times, because just as the USSR was not part of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, neither is the USA.


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Prophecy in the headlines for this morning…


University: Classes No Longer Cancelled For Christian, Jewish Holidays

Strong earthquake hits Japan

6.2-magnitude earthquake hits Indonesia

Drought spreads to Brazil, crop yields hit

Hundreds of homes damaged in Mexico quake

State Department exempts 11 countries from Iran sanctions

Egypt Designates Israel Its Top Enemy — Obama Restores Military Aid

Syria’s leadership making mistakes, says Russia

Ashton faces wrath of Israel over Toulouse-Gaza remark

Muni defaults another blow for insurers

Turkey will seek US waiver on Iran sanctions

Moody’s downgrades Detroit’s debt

National Security Agency Pressed to Reveal Details on Google Deal

Strong, long 7.9 quake shakes Mexico City

Now facts erased from schoolbooks

U.S. War Game Sees Perils of Israeli Strike Against Iran

In rebuff to Obama, Abbas says he will send ultimatum to Israel

In Sweden, cash is king no more

Destroy all churches

HRW: Syria opposition tortures, executes captives

Full-blown media cover-up of hottest U.S. story

Postman: Ayers family put ‘foreigner’ Obama…

Breitbart editor: We won’t probe eligibility

Obama’s Education Dept. partners with Soros

God’s law cannot be ‘graced’ over

Bible studies face new challenge: Driveway tax

Bible: Trustworthy or lost in translation?

Atheists use ‘unholy water’ to undo blessing

‘Satan’ greets deputies with ‘death stare’

Nation doubles down on homeschooling

New York City bans food donations

You ‘gun-toting son of a Baptist’

Smithsonian of LGBT arena hunts artifacts

Guess who Obama blames for ‘Muslim’ rumors

Ashton Kutcher: Jesus wanted his look back


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One of the major birth pain signs are earthquakes.  Christ warned that as we approached the last days these earthquakes would intensify in both number and size.  Frank Dimora pulled together a summary list of what has occurred in the last seven days as well as historically what we are seeing.  If there was ever a doubt in your mind that we are seeing an exponential increase check out the number below, and pull the numbers yourself.  It is amazing!  God’s word being fulfilled…

Frank’s source website: I found a website (<http://www.em-dat.net/>).

2008-1990 – 518 earthquakes worldwide
1959-1940 – 95 earthquakes worldwide
1929-1910 – 56 earthquakes worldwide

2008-1990 – 108 volcanoes worldwide
1957-1943 – 17 volcanoes worldwide
1929-1911 – 5 volcanoes worldwide

2008-1990 – 1,782 storms worldwide
1959-1940 – 172 storms worldwide
1929-1910 – 51 storms worldwide

2008-1990 – 232 wildfires worldwide
1959-1940 – 5 wildfires worldwide
1929-1910 – 4 wildfires worldwide

2008-1990 – 2283 floods worldwide
1959-1940 – 92 floods worldwide
1929-1910 – 14 floods worldwide

2005-1990 – 56 famine worldwide
1974-1960 – 3 famine worldwide
1929-1910 – 3 famine worldwide

2008-1990 – 899 pestilence (epidemic, disease, etc.) worldwide
1959-1940 – 5 pestilence (epidemic, disease, etc.) worldwide
1929-1910 – 16 pestilence (epidemic, disease, etc.) worldwide


Prophecy Sign: For all you who just found my web site you need to know I have been warning my readers to watch for the big earth quakes that are going to come soon. I warned my readers about this because of what the Word of God warns in Luke 21:11 where Jesus said there would be “great earthquakes”.  Christ also warned us to watch for the many earthquakes in Matthew 24:7.  I am not sure if you are paying attention but if not you had better take a look at the number of good size quakes just this past 7 days!


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Most of us think of the Amazon river and think of lush tropical river basin.

But have you seen pictures recently?

Check out what it looks like today.

Prophecy coming true?


“Alarming” Amazon Drought—River Hits New Low

A waterway in the Amazon Basin affected by drought

River’s End

Photograph by Rodrigo Baleia, LatinContent/Getty Images

This gallery is part of a special National Geographic News series on global water issues.

Hard-hit by a months-long drought, a waterway within the Amazon Basin trickles to a halt in Manaus, Brazil (see map), on November 19.

The Negro River, a major tributary of the Amazon River, dropped to a depth of about 46 feet (14 meters)—the lowest point since record-keeping began in 1902.

(Related: “Amazon Losing ‘Flying Rivers,’ Ability to Curb Warming.”)

About 60,000 people in the Amazon have gone hungry as falling river levels paralyzed transport and fishing. Millions of dead fish have also contaminated rivers, leading to a shortage of clean drinking water, the Reuters news agency reported. (How much do you know about drinking water? Test your knowledge with a quiz.)

Caused by El Niño—a cyclical warming of tropical waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean—such a severe drought usually occurs once in a century. But the 2010 disaster comes just five years after the latest Amazon “megadrought,” according to Reuters.

The drought also fits within predictions of climatic extremes this century due to global warming, Reuters reported. (Explore an interactive map of global warming’s effects.)

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God has a plan for all of these end times signs, they are to wake us up and have us turn back to Him.  Time is growing shorter by the day, are you awake, are those you care for or interact with awake?  We need to make ourselves busy doing His will.  Hopefully, some of the secular farmers mentioned in the article wake up…


Driest November Since ’62 Unites Secular & Religious in Prayer

The sore lack of rain this winter has united the religious and secular populaces in public prayers for water.

Public prayer services for rain have been called throughout the country in recent weeks, with increasingly growing participation. For instance, in the traditionally anti-religious kibbutz Givat Brenner near Rehovot, dozens of secular farmers took part in prayers and shofar-sounding for rain last week.

The Givat Brenner event was organized by Ayelet HaShachar (Morning Star), an organization dedicated to giving a taste of religious Judaism to non-religious kibbutzim and moshavim around the country. The organization also sponsored similar prayers in Kibbutz Ein Harod last Wednesday, followed the next day by prayers on a boat in the middle of the Kinneret (Sea of Galilee).

The Kinneret is currently 214.07 meters below sea level – 107 centimeters lower than the forbidden “red line,” and only 80 centimeters above the even more forbidden “black line.” It has lost 20 centimeters in height over the past month, which has been the driest in Israel in the past 48 years. This marks the seventh consecutive year of near-drought conditions.


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Severe weather conditions are everywhere we turn, all over the planet…


Severe drought afflicts Brazilian Amazon

Boy plays with paddle on the dried up bed of the Negro river
Some rivers are at their lowest level in decades

The Brazilian government has announced $13.5m (£8.6m) in emergency aid for Amazon regions hit by the worst drought in decades.

The money will fund water pumping and purification, as well as food deliveries to towns cut off by the drop in river levels.

The Brazilian air force has already flown 500 tonnes of supplies to areas that usually depend on water transport.

The River Amazon at Manaus has fallen to its lowest level since 1963.

Scientists say the region is facing its worst drought since that year.


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Prophecy foretells that the Euphrates will completely dry up, making way for the army of the King of the East to march into battle…


Euphrates River drying up/drought

Prophecy Sign: (Revelation 9:14-16) “It said to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, ‘Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates.’ And the four angels who had been kept ready for this very hour and day and month and year were released to kill a third of mankind. The number of the mounted troops was two hundred million. I heard their number”.

“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East” (Revelation 16:12).


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